When Santa’s Away, The Elves Will Play!

Matt Conaway

  • Grade: .5
  • Time: 1:41
  • Series: Sound Foundations
  • Brand: C.L. Barnhouse Co.
  • Year: 2013

Like any boss on a deadline, the big guy in red can be a harsh taskmaster, and the elves in his workshop have had enough. They work against a cynical soundtrack of jingling bells until “The Man” steps out, giving way to a raucous celebration (and their first break in weeks). As abruptly as it begins, the party stops when the boss’s whistle cuts through, and the grumbling elves return to their monotonous assembly of the year’s toys. Great fun for beginning and developing bands!

Product SKU Price Quantity
Full set 023-4219-00 $55.00
Extra full score 023-4219-01 $7.00
MP3 Download 023-4219-85 $1.00
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