Joyant Winds

Ed Huckeby

  • Grade: 3
  • Time: 4:20
  • Series: Build-A-Band
  • Brand: C.L. Barnhouse Co.
  • Year: 2018

Another outstanding Ed Huckeby young band overture adaptation in the Build-A-Band series, this has just the right combination of changing meters and rhythmic variety to make it a really big hit with your students. Interesting melodic lines and fresh, vibrant harmonies in the slow section provide the imaginative musical content for which Ed Huckeby has become so well known. Playable with as few as five instruments and percussion, this outstanding overture is highly recommended for contest or as a dramatic concert feature.

Product SKU Price Quantity
Full set 026-4663-00 $70.00
Extra full score 026-4663-01 $9.00
MP3 Download 026-4663-85 $1.00
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